Module 1: Introduction to Children's Literature

and Illustrator: David Ezra Stein
Interrupting Chicken by David Ezra Stein is a book about a father and daughter: Papa and Little Red Chicken. Papa tries to read Little Red Chicken several bedtime stories, but she interrupts every one by warning the story’s characters about the ending. Ultimately Papa runs out of stories to tell and encourages Little Red Chicken to tell him a story instead.
APA Reference of Book:
Stein, D. E. (2010). Interrupting chicken. Somerville, MA: Candlewick Press.
My first impression of the book was: “Really? Another children’s book about chickens?” I was never a fan of the character of Chicken Little, but I decided to give Interrupting Chicken a try nonetheless. And I’m glad I did! In fact, I love that Chicken Little is actually incorporated in the book as one of the stories Little Red Chicken interrupts. Interrupting Chicken is imaginative. It’s not just about a father reading his daughter a bed-time story because that would be boring and clichéd. Little Red Chicken interrupting every story by revealing the ending is an interesting way of not only showing that she has heard the stories many times before but also showing that reading should be interactive. The illustrations are amazing in this book as well. Stein shows a good juxtaposition of the stories and Little Red Chicken’s interruptions. I also really enjoyed how Little Red Chicken’s story was portrayed on the notebook paper with children’s handwriting and drawings. I really enjoyed this book; it is very deserving of the Caldecott Honor award on its cover.
Phelan, C. (2010, Sep. 15). Interrupting Chicken [Review of the book Interrupting Chicken]. Booklist Online. Retrieved from:
“At bedtime, Papa prepares to read an old favorite to the little red chicken, but before beginning, he reminds her not to interrupt the story. Reassured, he begins “Hansel and Gretel,” but just as the two children approach the witch’s house, up pops the little red chicken, exclaiming “‘DON’T GO IN! SHE’S A WITCH!’ . . . THE END!” Two more attempted bedtime stories end abruptly with the little red chicken saving Little Red Riding Hood and Chicken Little. The childlike humor of this wonderfully illustrated picture book will bring belly laughs from kids, particularly those who know the original stories. Stein uses page turns dramatically to build tension, which is released each time the chicken interrupts and amends a fairy tale. Differences in medium and style differentiate between scenes taking place in the folktales and in the main story. Created with watercolor, water-soluble crayon, and pen and ink, the illustrations are vivid and dramatic. Great fun for reading aloud.”
Library Uses:
This book would be great to use for a story time program, especially if there are children who have interrupted stories in the past. It could also be used in a program that encourages children to write their own stories.
This sounds like my type of children's book. We have it at Grissom and I've just requested it for myself. I expect to enjoy it and plan on reading it with my friend's kids. Thanks for the review!